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Handle Materials


Micarta is a material that is composed of epoxy resin and a fabric material. It was originally developed for electrical applications. The resin is impregnated in the fabric and under high pressure the material is pressed together. This material is very strong and has great texture/grip. This material does not resist water absorption as well as G10.


G10 is a material that us composed of epoxy resin and glass fabric. G10 has high strength and low moisture absorption. This material is one of the least likely to absorb water when submerged for a long time. This material is made in a large variety of colors. It is also layered together with many different colors, carbon fiber, and even wood layers. This is one of the most diverse and tough handle materials.


Kirinite is an acrylic material that is very strong and has very cool colors swirled in it. The colors have a lot of depth and look great! If you have only seen pictures of this material, they do not do it justice. The depth and color shimmer are extremely hard to capture in a photo. This material is polished to a high gloss shine. Because it is polished it does not have as much grip as Micarta or G10 usually does.

Stabilized Wood

Stabilizing is a process that is done to porous materials to make them hold up better for knife making. This process is done under vacuum and/or pressure and pushes a chemical stabilizing solution into the materials pores. By doing this it makes the material more durable, less prone to warping, and less likely to absorb water. This allows knife makers to use soft woods and stabilize them to stand up to the abuse a knife will take. This is the preferred material when someone wants the look of wood with great durability. For someone that wants wood on a kitchen knife I highly suggest stabilized materials because they get wet very often.

Resin Cast Wood

Resin cast wood is a process that takes scraps of different figured wood or burl wood that are not big enough for knife handles. The wood pieces are set in different colored resins and subjected to a high vacuum. This vacuum helps to take out the air bubbles in the material. This combination of wood with different colors makes a very unique, one of a kind handle.

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