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The Santoku is an eastern style all-purpose knife. It has a flatter cutting edge and uses an up and down motion for cutting and chopping.  This knife excels at chopping vegetables and fruit.  The lack of a sharp point usually makes it less intimidating for most people to use.  I currently make this knife in two sizes 5” (125mm) / 7” (175mm) to accommodate different needs when chopping.

Handle Design

First and foremost, I designed the handles of my kitchen knives to be extremely comfortable in your hand.  The handles have a hourglass shape that fits the palm of your hand very well.  When chopping for hours, your hand will not be as fatigued as it would be with non contoured knives.


Filework is a design that is cut into the spine of the knife and filled in with epoxy.  This does not effect the performance of the knife, but is a very unique design element you don’t see on most knives.

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Around the Grinder – November 2017

What has been going on in the shop this past months? It has been a crazy few months at KHDaily Knives. I feel badly that these blogs were one of the things that just had to get cut out with all that was going on. Hopefully, I can keep up with it going forward. The […]

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Around the Grinder – May, 2017

What has been going on in the shop this past month? This past month I have been finishing up a couple of knives for special people I know. One is going to be going on an elk hunt with some of his family and another for his father. For the elk hunt, he wanted a […]

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Around the Grinder – April, 2017

What is Around the Grinder? Around the grinder is a type of blog post that I talk about what happened during the month.  It will be some knife making stuff, some stuff about life, and other miscellaneous things. There was a lot of cool things that happened this month.  This month started off with not much […]

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